Sergey KIM.  Une homélie inédite sur la décollation de Jean-Baptiste attribuée à Jean Chrysostome. Introduction, édition et traduction d’après le ms. Ochrid, Musée National, Inv. 1 (Mošin gr. 72).

The present article offers the editio princeps of a pseudochrysostomian homily on the Beheading of John the Baptist as found in the manuscript Ochrid, National Museum, Inv. 1 (Gr. 72).  The first part of the introduction contains a list of the hagiographical and patristic entries in the manuscript.  In the second section we endeavour to identify the patristic and apocryphal sources of the homily and submit the text to a concise literary analysis. It is shown that it goes back to Chrysostomus’ Homilia XLVIII in Matthaeum.  One interesting feature of the sermon is the allusion to certain liturgical features for the birthday holiday: the readings of Psalms and Isaiah implied by the homilist (§ 31) have not been hitherto attested.  The Greek original is accompanied by a French translation.

Xavier LEQUEUX.  La Passion grecque (BHG 2245) inédite de Mamelchta, mystérieuse martyre en Perse.

Fols. 31v-32v of MS. Jerusalem, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Hagh. Taph. 22 (11th cent.) contain the story of Mamelchta, a priestess of Artemis / Diana, who converted to Christianity and was martyred in Persia at some uncertain time. The Greek text, edited here for the first time, has no parallel in any other literature of the Christian East. This raises the question as to whether the account is nothing more than a literary fiction.

  Andrey VINOGRADOV.  Saint Parasceve of Iconium and Her « Lost » Greek Acts.  

La présente contribution est consacrée au texte grec du Martyre de Ste Parascève d’Iconium.  Ce récit, qu’on croyait jusqu’ici connu exclusivement par la tradition slave, est en réalité partiellement conservé dans un manuscrit grec incluant un éloge de Jean d’Eubée (VIIIe s.) dédié à sainte Parascève de Sicile (BHG 1420p).  Il contient quelques épisodes du Martyre, abrégés en vue d’être insérés dans cet encomium.  Le fragment retrouvé pose la question de la vénération de Ste Parascève d’Iconium à Byzance, et de l’identification exacte de la sainte figurée dans l’iconographie byzantine..

Dirk KRAUSMÜLLER.  The Vitae B, C and A of Theodore the Stoudite.  Their Interrelation, Dates, Authors and Significance for the History of the Stoudios Monastery in the Tenth Century. 

L’article entend démontrer que la Vita C de Théodore Stoudite est une métaphrase de la Vita B et que la Vita A s’avère, de son côté, être un remaniement de la Vita C.  Le style littéraire, l’auteur, la date et la motivation de ces trois textes sont ensuite examinés..

Éric DELAISSÉ – Fabienne ARBOIT.    La Vie de Pierre, convers de Villers-en-Brabant au XIIIe siècle. Édition critique et traduction.   

The present article contains the editio princeps of the Vita of the lay brother Pierre of Villers (Belgium) together with a French translation and a résumé of the Vita taken from the Gesta sanctorum Villariensium.  Until now this short version was preferred by historians who had concluded that the Vita contained nothing original when compared with the other texts relating to the hagiography of Villers.  It turns out, however, that the Vita Petri conversi contains certain specific traits: Peter is the only lay brother at Villers who bore the stigmata and also rebelled against Christ.  The text deals in detail with his spiritual journey and represents a major element in the study of Cistercian spirituality at Villers.

Jean-Loup Lemaitre.  L’édition du martyrologe d’Usuard publiée à Cologne en 1515 et en 1521 par Johann Landen.

At Cologne in 1515 Johann Landen published an edition of the martyrologium of Usuard in a very modest format in 8° (14 × 10 cm), in the title of which for the first time the name of Usuard appears.  The same printer published a revised edition in 1521.  This edition brings the work of an anonymous compiler working in a Carthusian environment who used a manuscript of Usuard’s martyrologium, viz. the martyrologium of Hermann Greven, whose manuscript was kept at that time at the Carthusian monastery of Cologne, as well as the edition published at Cologne in 1490 by Johann Koelhoff.

Bernard JOASSART.  Documents sur la fin du Musée bollandien et du Musée Bellarmin / Historique.

Bernard JOASSART.   Paul Peeters au Liban. En marge de la Bibliotheca hagiographica orientalis.

Bulletin des publications hagiographiques.