Xavier LEQUEUX.  La Passion prémétaphrastique de saint Athénodore de Syrie (BHG 2048).

Critical edition accompanied by a French translation of the Passion of Athenodorus martyred in Syria in the reign of Diocletian based on the only two known manuscripts: codex 88 of the late 9th or early 10th cent. of the Halki Mon­astery of the Holy Trinity, fols. 159-160, and the 12th-cent. codex 2180 of the Na­tional Library of Greece at Athens, fols. 91v-92v.

Richard GREENFIELD.  A Revision in the Dating of Euthymius the Younger of Thessalonike.

Une petite correction, apportée au texte grec du chapitre 4 de la Vie d’Eu­thyme le Jeune de Thessalonique (BHG 655), amène à réexaminer les dates-clés traditionnellement admises concernant la vie et la carrière du saint.  Cet article soutient en effet qu’Euthyme naquit en 820 (et non en 823 ou 824) et qu’il aban­donna sa famille en 838 (et non en 841 ou 842).  En conséquence, d’autres modi­fications peuvent être proposées au sujet de la datation de la fondation de ses éta­blissements monastiques à Peristerai, près de Thessalonique, et de leur achè­vement.

Jean-Daniel KAESTLILes Actes de Paul et Thècle dans la tradition latine.  Recherches sur les manuscrits des diverses formes dela Passio Theclae et leur signalement dans la Bibliotheca hagiographica latina.

The manuscripts of the various versions of the PassioTheclae are listed on the basis of Oscar von Gebhardt’s edition (1902) and of the instruments developed by the Bollandists (data base BHLms; manuscript card index).  They have been systematically identified and classified with the help of the numbers introduced in the 1911 BHL Supplement (BHLs), in particular those which have been listed by the Bollan­dists under an old number of the BHL’s 1st edition (1898-1901) or under the heading sine numero.  The study reveals the necessity of a new edition of some of the texts edited by Gebhardt – this is the case withregard to version A already republished in Apocrypha 2016, as well as the version Cb, for which a list of cor­rections has been drawn up.  The study also deals with the texts of three unedited epitomes (MSS Munich Clm 18100, Trier Stadtbibl. 1172 and Munich Clm 2959).

Klaus KRÖNERT.  Le dossier hagiographique de saint Godehard, évêque de Hildesheim au XIe s.

The aim of this article is to reexamine the hagiographic dossier of Bishop Godehard of Hildesheim (1022-1038).  From this, it appears that Vita Ia (BHL 3581) must be considered to be a “preparatory work” compiled during the life of the saint, which enabled its author, Wolfhere, to compile a veritable saint’s Life (BHL 3582) in about 1054.  This Life was complemented in the 1070’s by a col­lec­tion of mir­acles (also BHL 3582).  As far as the other texts of the dossier are con­cerned, only two hagiographical undertakings are notable: the composition in about 1132 of the Translatio (BHL 3584), which was later complemented by some in­dividual mir­acles, and in the 14th century the composition of Vita IIIa (BHL 3590), the main component of which is the Miracula in vita patrata (BHL 3583), which until now had never been dated and which have generally but erroneously been considered to be individual work.

Bernard JOASSART.  Deux étapes d’Henschenius et de Papebroch durant leur voyage littéraire de 1660-1662: la Vénétie et la Toscane.

Bulletin des publication hagiographiques.