François BOVON – Bertrand BOUVIER.  La translation des reliques de saint Étienne le premier martyr.

After the Martyrdom of Saint Stephen and the Revelation of the Protomartyr’s Relics, this is the third Greek text giving accounts of the saint.  All three texts were written after the narrative on Saint Stephen found in the canonical Book of Acts.  This article contains the edition of the section of the Vaticanus Palatinus graecus 317 telling the story of the Translation of the relics from Jerusalem to Constantinople.   An introduction to the document and its variants precedes the edition itself and endnotes follow it.

Enzo LUCCHESIL’Asceticon copte d’Éphrem le Syrien. Un nouveau feuillet rapporté à son codex d’origine.

A Coptic fragmentary folio kept in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Copte 1315, f. 127) containing the end of the Martyrdom of Apare or Apa Ari and the beginning of the Asceticon of Ephrem the Syrian is here identified and joined to the same codex as a folio in the British Library of London and a folio in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice.

Cécile LANÉRY.     Nouvelles recherches sur le légendier de Clairvaux.

The legendary of Clairvaux, copied in the last third of the xiith century, consists of seven volumes for the annual cycle plus three volumes of thematic appendices.  An analysis of the surviving manuscripts (vols II-VII, appendices A and B) makes it possible to establish its precise place among the great Cistercian legendaries (Liber de Natalitiis, legendaries of Cîteaux and Alcobaça).  The analysis also reveals the various stages in its compilation by the new canonizations and other additions which forced the mediaeval editor to revise his original plan on several occasions.

Bernard JOASSART.   Ursmer Berlière et les bollandistes Albert Poncelet et Hippolyte Delehaye. 

Bernard JOASSART.  L’absence remarquée des Bollandistes au sixième Congrès international de l’histoire des religions (Bruxelles, 1935).

François DOLBEAU.  Catalogues de manuscrits latins. Inventaire hagiographique (trentième série).

Bulletin des publications hagiographiques.