Newsletter 10

SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES Research Institute & Library-Est. 1607   June 2023, Newsletter 10 Dear Friends of the Bollandists, It is our birthday this month! On June 1607, a small book titled Fasti Sanctorum was published in Antwerp. It showcased the ambitious...

Bulletin 9

SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTESResearch Institute & Library-Est. 1607 Juin 2022, Newsletter 9 Activités des Bollandistes :Le Dr. Xavier Lequeux invité par la Section des études byzantines de la National Hellenic Research Foundation d’Athènes (, a...

Newsletter 9

SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTESResearch Institute & Library-Est. 1607 June 2022, Newsletter 9 Bollandist Activities: Dr Xavier Lequeux was invited by the Byzantine Studies Section of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens ( and gave a...

Bulletin 8 et Vœux

Chers amis des Bollandistes,Il y a quelques années déjà, les Bollandistes m’ont confié la tâche difficile de les faire connaître à un plus large public et de trouver les fonds nécessaires à la poursuite de leurs recherches pour les années à venir. J’ai...

Newsletter and Christmas wishes

Dear Friends of the Bollandists,   It was already a few years ago that the Bollandists trusted me with the challenging task of making them better known to a wider public and finding the necessary funds for their research to continue for years to come. I accepted with...