Analecta Bollandiana, 131-II (2013): Contents

Sergey KIM.  Une homélie inédite sur la décollation de Jean-Baptiste attribuée à Jean Chrysostome. Introduction, édition et traduction d’après le ms. Ochrid, Musée National, Inv. 1 (Mošin gr. 72). The present article offers the editio princeps of a pseudochrysostomian...

Analecta Bollandiana, 130-I (2012): Contents

Bénédicte LESIEUR.  Les derniers voyages de Pierre l’Ibère d’après Jean Rufus: chronologie et interprétation. The travels of Peter the Iberian from 475 until his death in December 491 bear witness to his long struggle to defend antichalcedonianism.  After...

Analecta Bollandiana, 130-II (2012): Contents

Roger GRYSON.  Un fragment de parchemin en semi-onciale du vie siècle (lettres de S. Jérôme, Vie de Malchus). The binding of a sixteenth-century publication of unknown provenance which was found in the library of a priest of Brussels had been reinforced by a sheet of...

Analecta Bollandiana, 129-I (2011): Contents

Enzo LUCCHESI.   Un fragment bohaïrique du Martyre d’Isidore et Sané. Xavier LEQUEUX.  Le martyr Pamoun: une nouvelle victime d’Apellianos ? À propos de POxy 4759. Paulette L’HERMITE-LECLERCQ.   Un hagiographe face aux critiques. Le recueil des...

Analecta Bollandiana, 129-II (2011): Contents

Anna LAMPADARIDI.  L’histoire de saint Porphyre de Gaza de la Vita aux notices du Synax. CP.  The compilators of the notices on St. Porphyry of Gaza in the ms. Patmiacus 266 (P) and in the recensions H*, S* (and M*) of the Synax. CP draw on the Vita brevior BHG...

Analecta Bollandiana, 128-II (2010): Contents

Cécile LANÉRY. Le dossier des saints Nazaire, Celse, Gervais et Protais. Édition de la Passion BHL 6043 (= 3516). The martyrs Nazarius, Celsus, Gervasius and Protasius of Milan, whose relics were discovered at the end of the fourth century in two successive...

Analecta Bollandiana, 128-I (2010): Contents

Le Père Joseph van der Straeten (1918-2010). Bibliographie de Joseph van der Straeten. Paolo TOMEA.  Corpore quidem iuvencula sed animo cana. La Passio Agnetis BHL 156 e il topos della puella senex nell’agiografia mediolatina.   After having dealt with the date...

Bollandists in the Vault of St Nicholas

A question to identify some ancient relics brought two of us in the vault of a bank in Brussels. There, St Nicholas Church, in the same town, keeps its most valued treasures: relics of course, but also golden chalices, silver censers, and the bejeweled crowns that...

Sts Paul Miki and Companions – 6 February

“Blending in” is one way to translate inculturation, the missionary strategy of the Jesuits. It enabled them to move just as efficacious in the Chinese emperor’s Forbidden City as in the French king’s palace at Versailles. But what about “defacing”? To enter the...